prix bouvet: 2nd edition

support Published January 18 2013
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February 16th, 2013, the 2012 Medical Prizes of Fondation de France were handed to the Collège des Bernardins in Paris. This year, the Prize Bouvet-Labruyère Institut du Cerveau – ICM was awarded to Nathalie Sol-Foulon, researcher within the Institut du Cerveau – ICM.
The Marie – Ange Bouvet-Labruyère foundation, was created in 2005 by four children of Madam Bouvet-Labruyère. Its mission is to support research on the multiple sclerosis and the diseases of the myéline led within the Institut du Cerveau – ICM. In particular the foundation wishes to encourage innovative projects.
Nathalie Sol-Foulon’s works concern neuronal development process with is a key to understand this pathology. Nathalie is researcher in the team ” Mécanismes de re-myélinisation ” in the Institut du Cerveau – ICM (Inserm U 975, UMR 7225 CNRS)


Photo : Nathalie Sol-Foulon with Sébastien Bouvet and Pr Alexis Brice.