Eyebrain at the icm

support Published July 13 2012
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EyeBrain sets up shop in the Brain and Spine Institute
EyeBrain, a company developing medical devices for the early diagnosis and monitoring of neurological diseases, announces today that one of its scientific teams is moving into the premises of the Brain and Spine Institute (Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle Epinière – Institut du Cerveau – ICM) at the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital in Paris. The team is led by Magali Seassau, head of scientific studies at EyeBrain, and its aim is to foster scientific exchange with Institut du Cerveau – ICM researchers and speed up the development of clinical research tools for neurological diseases.
One in eight people is affected by these diseases, which are characterized by lesional eruptions on the brain, the spinal cord, the peripheral nerves or the muscles. They are often chronic and incapacitating conditions that require extensive medical treatment and social care. Clinical research in the field of neurosciences is a major challenge for the treatment of patients, from diagnosis to disease monitoring and including action to improve their quality of life.