
Previous page Cécile GAL Student (M2) Team "Control- Interoception – Attention"écile-gal-40991089


Second year student in the international program Dual Masters in Brain and Mind Sciences (MSc UCL, M2 UPMC and ENS). Graduated in Biology and Chemistry (BSc). Previously worked on auditory perception at UCL Ear Institute (six months project with Maria Chait and Nicolas Barascud).

Research work

I am working under the supervision of Stéhanie Dubal and Bruno Millet on the temporal integration of social and emotional cues in social anxiety disorder (SAD). We make use of electroencephalography (EEG) to record the cerebral activity of patients and control subjects, while they are presented with faces expressing an emotion or not. We are trying to characterise peaks in activity (ERP peaks), cerebral regions involved and their interconnexions, to explain the underlying mechanisms of emotional perception, either in health or disease. In particular, we aim at describing the temporal unfolding of cerebral events that sustain emotional perception.


I am intersted in the encoding of emotions and the effects of these signals on brain activity and behaviour. In particular, I am attracted by connectivity and modelling approaches.