Research Areas

The Institute now benefits from a critical mass of talented researchers and clinicians in cognitive neurosciences, Neurophysiology, Cellular and molecular neurosciences, Clinical and translational neurosciences.
Open / close summary


PROBLEMS TO ADDRESS: Understanding the function and dysfunction of the nervous system is a major challenge for research in neuroscience. Every year, nearly 100,000 patients with a nervous system disorder are examined on site, in the Hôpital Pitié Salpêtrière.


OUR AMBITION: To make progress in the exploration of the function/dysfunction of the brain which depends on a capacity to develop interactions between biologists/clinicians and other disciplines: engineering, chemistry, physics, informatics and mathematics.




  • Cognitive neurosciences,
  • Neurophysiology,
  • Cellular and molecular neurosciences,
  • Clinical and translational neurosciences.






  • Fundamental research: Mechanisms involved in brain development & plasticity, brain pathologies, and generation of normal and pathological behaviors.
  • Clinical research: New diagnostic markers and therapeutic strategies to develop personalized medicine
  • Care research: Creation of innovative technologies/products/services to solve neurologic and psychiatric care issues
  • Collaborative research: Teams efforts toward a common goal




The Institut du Cerveau – ICM benefits from a critical mass of talented researchers and clinicians with a successful melting pot, including 40 different nationalities, (53 professors and associate professors, 26 clinician researchers, 58 Research Directors and researchers, 85 permanent staffs(engineers, technicians, clinical assistant, 114 PhD and 92 post doc)) 35% of the principal investigators (professors and researchers) are clinician-scientists.



1521 articles have been published since 2012, with articles in the top 1%, and 436 in the top 10% most cited, the Institut du Cerveau – ICM ranks 2nd among 35 international Institutes in the Neurology field.