Transversal research themes

The ICM has chosen to organize its research around transversal and pluridisciplinary programs in order to meet the challenge of understanding nervous system diseases.
Open / close summary

Our internal scientific strategy is axed on our capacity to promote excellent basic and applied science, but especially to favour the emergence of innovative concepts in the Institute. The Institut du Cerveau – ICM has thus chosen to organize research around transversal and pluridisciplinary programs in order to meet the challenge of understanding nervous system diseases. Such an organization implicates all Institut du Cerveau – ICM researchers in the scientific/technological options and reinforces collaboration among the participants.

The creation of thematic scientific groups encourages internal collaborations, permits the development of pluridisciplinary approaches, assures technological innovation in the core services and favours risk taking. An excellent research centre is above all an ensemble of projects sharing a common vision.

Call for Proposal : Big Brain Theory Program

The Institut du Cerveau – ICM and the IHU announced in June 2015 the launch of the Big Brain Theory Program. This new program will award seed grants to fund innovative, high-risk, “thinking out the box” and interdisciplinary research projects in Neuroscience for the researchers and clinicians of the Institute.

The Institute hope that each Big Brain Theory will aim at engaging PIs (Principal Investigators) and platforms in a collaborative effort to broaden the impact of his individual research and elaborate new pioneering project that will translate into collective breakthroughs and future emblem of the Institute.