CENIR–MEG/EEG : MEG and EEG core facility for neuroscience research projects

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The CENIR-MEG/EEG core facility is part of the Center for NeuroImaging Research (CENIR). It is dedicated to the development of non-invasive methods that allow visualizing brain activity on a millisecond time scale in normal or pathological conditions. With the latest equipment, the highly skilled team helps academic and industrial partners that wish to undergo clinical or fundamental research to perform the acquisitions as well as to develop integrated analysis tools for multi-level electrophysiological data. CENIR-MEG/ EEG is part of the Institut du Cerveau – ICM core facility network (MRI, PANAM, PRISME…) which facilitates translational research projects.


• Clinical and fundamental research on the normal or pathological brain
• Methodological development of integrated analysis tools for multilevel electrophysiological data (EEG, MEG, depth recording, peripheral neurophysiological measures)
• In-house software development for data processing, statistical analysis and visualization


• Acquisition:
MEG Elekta Neuromag TRIUX (306 sensors, 72 EEG, eyetracker) EEG: 2 64-channel Brainamp systems (3D localization of electrodes, 2 faraday rooms) Biopac MP150 for SCR, EMG,
EKG recording
Audio, visual, and tactile stimulation equipment

• Analysis and visualization:
Event classification
Artifact detection and correction Analysis on sensors
Analysis on sources Statistics
Data visualization
Network connectivity analysis


Nathalie George —Scientific manager
Laurent HUGUEVILLE —Operational manager
Christophe Gitton —Stimulation, acquisition
Lydia Yahia-Cherif, Jean-Didier Lemaréchal, Maximilien Chaumon —Data analysis, software development

