CENIR–PANAM : physiology and analysis of movement core facility

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The PANAM core facility is part of the Center for Neuroimaging Research (CENIR) and focuses on two axis:
1– clinical research and therapeutics using non-invasive cerebral stimulation in neurological and psychiatric diseases;
2– the study of movement, gait and balance in patients with neurological diseases. Moreover the facility develops new technics of non-invasive cerebellar stimulation, TMS/MRI, LFP-EEG coupled recordings. The platform is part of the Institut du Cerveau – ICM core facility network (preclinical models, neuroimaging, MEG/EEG, deep brain stimulation…) which facilitates translational research projects.


• Electrophysiological studies (TMS, EMG, EEG, LFP…)
• Clinical research and experimental therapeutics using non-invasive cerebral stimulation
• Mapping cortical organization/ desorganization in various neuropsychiatric conditions (Parkinson disease, ALS, essential tremor)
• Effects of “virtual” lesions of various brain areas during cognitive and motor tasks
• Set up of experimental therapeutics using high and low frequency rTMS and tDCS in neuropsychiatric conditions
• Development of cerebellar stimulation (TMS, tDCS, tACS…)
• Development of TMS/MRI and TMS/EEG and LFP/EEG coupled recordings
• Assessment of therapeutic intervention in patients with motor and behavioral disorders, including gait and balance disorders
• Development of biomechanical/ kinematics/EEG/intracerebral coupled recordings of movements, including gait


• 2 neuronavigation systems (NEXSTIM and BRAINSIGHT)
• 4 TMS stimulators (2 rTMS, 1 bistim)
• 15 TMS coils
• 3 EMG recordings, including 1 wireless EMG
• 3 electrical stimulators (Digitimer)
• 3 tDCS (including 1 allowing tACS and tRNS)
• Vicon system with 10 cameras
• Force platform (AMTI, 180×90)
• 1 wireless EEG


Jean-Charles Lamy —Scientific manager non-invasive brain and spinal cord stimulations
Marie-Laure Welter —Scientific manager gait and equilibrium

